2020 at-home AP Exams


Here’s what you need to know about this year’s at-home AP Exams.

AP Exams Are Still Happening

First: Your health and safety is our top concern. We know that many of you and your families are facing serious challenges because of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Please take care of yourselves so you can be ready to take on the world when it’s safe to do so.

Second: We also know that many of you have been working hard all year to get ready for the AP Exams. Thousands of you have told us you want the opportunity to take the exams. So, for this year only, we’ve developed a safe and secure way for that to happen remotely.

Just the Facts

  • You can watch free daily AP review sessions —live or on-demand—with some of the country’s best AP teachers on our Advanced Placement YouTube channel.
  • You’ll be able to take any AP Exam online—on a computer, smartphone, or tablet.
  • If you don’t have access to the internet or a computer, smartphone, or tablet, contact us and we’ll do our best to help.
  • Each AP online exam will take less than an hour and focus only on the content most AP classes were able to cover by early March.
  • Each AP online exam will only have free-response questions—no multiple choice.
  • If you’d prefer not to take a 2019-20 AP Exam you’ve registered for, you can cancel for free.
  • You’ll find the latest information on this year’s AP Exams at Updates for AP Students Affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19).

When You’ll Take the 2019-20 AP Exams

There will be two testing windows.  The primary two week window runs from May 11 through May 22 and every AP exam has its own dedicated time slot.  There will also be a makeup window from June 1 through June 5 where some exam slots overlap.  Visit our 2019-20 AP Exam page for more details on the exam format, scoring, and access. Our AP exam schedule page has the exact dates and times for each exam.

AP Online Review Sessions

There are now free review sessions on YouTube for all 38 AP subjects. Find out when you can participate by viewing the AP Live class schedule.

Remember: These review sessions are optional and will be recorded so you can watch them any time that works for you.

You’ve worked hard all year to master college-level coursework. Don’t miss this opportunity to show colleges what you know and what you can do.